
Venue:R/o Shri Kamaljeet Mohan
In Chair: Shri Gautam Mohan, President

After the recitation of Gayatri Mantra, the minutes of the last meeting were read out and confirmed
unani mousl y.            
AGM of the General Mohyal Sabha was held on 26.05.2013. Shri Rulia Ram Mohan briefed the
members about the same and said that it was very well-organized.  He stated that the community has
shown great confidence in the GMS, headed by Rzd. B.D Bali.
The house decided to arrange meeting cum small quarterly function  in which ladies wil

to  participate.
Funds are being collected by the sabha, for which S/Shri Vinod Mohan & Charanjeet Mohan are doing
a good job.
The house was informed that the GMS has started giving the widow pension to Smt.Satish Bali and
thanked the GMS for the same.
Booking of rooms at Haridwar Ashram was discussed. Generally, people book the room, but, at the
last moment, they do not go, for some reason or the other. This causes financial loss to the Ashram
and inconvenience to other Mohyals, who are denied the accommodation  and are disappointed.
Secretary General informed that another school has approached the sabha for assistance. As in-
formed in the last meeting, the sabha has donated 65 benches to the local Primary School, which has
been appreciated by the residents of nearby villages.  The sabha is in the process of adopting another
2-3 other good projects were under consideration of the sabha and are likely to be implemented soon.
The meeting concluded with a vote of  thanks to the Chair and the hosts.
l be encouraged

 Gautam Mohan, President     Mob: 9357253538                                                                     

   Sanjiv Mohan (Savi), Gen.Secy.    Mob: 9872766911

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