After the unfurling of Mohyal flag by Rzd. B.D.
Bali, President – GMS, there was recitation of
Mohyal0 prayer, led by Smt. Sunita Mehta. The
participants then moved to the venue of
function, where the proceedings started with
lighting of traditional lamp by Rzd. B.D. Bali and other dignitaries. After a brief introduction by Dr. Ashok Lav, who did the compering, Rzd.
B.D. Bali was requested to make his welcome
address. His address is printed at another place
in this issue of the magazine. The Secretary
General Mehta Dharam Vir Mohan then read
an exhaustive report on the developments in
the GMS during the interregnum between the
last General Body Meeting of the GMS and
today’s meeting. The full report has been
printed at another page in this issue of Mohyal
Bakshi. B.L Chhibber, I.R.S (Retd.), Vice
President, Legal and Finance presented the
audited accounts – i.e. Income and Expenditure
Accounts and Balance Sheets for the financial
years 2010-11, ended on 31.03.2011 and 201112,
ended on 31.03.2012 and the budget
proposals for the current financial year 201314,
copies of which were distributed to all
present, in advance. He stated that regular
books have been maintained which were
audited by the Chartered Accountants, M/s H.S
Ahuja & Co who have after thorough
examination and scrutiny certified that: “In our
opinion and to the best of our information and
according to explanations given to us, the said
accounts give a true and fair view of the state
of affairs of the Society as on 31.03.2011 and
31.03.2012.” After invoking the blessing of our
“Sapt Rishis” and visionary forefathers, he
explained the salient features of these statutory
documents, as also recalled the financial history
of the GMS from its very inception in 1891; the
resurrection of the GMS after the upheaval due
to the Partition of the country in 1947 and; the
revolutionary fortunes after 1978 when Raizada B.D Bali had taken the reins of the GMS as its
President. Continuing, that with the blessings
of our visionary forefathers and team work
headed by Raizada B.D Bali and co-operation
and dedicated efforts of the gathering present,
the small sapling planted by our ancestors in
1891, has grown into a big Banyan Tree –
healthy and strong providing soothing shade
to the members of the Community.
Explaining the position of accounts, he added
that accounts of the GMS have always been
kept meticulously. He said that there was
double book entry and the accounts were being
kept , both in the traditional way of book keeping
as well as through the modern system of
computers; and that the accounts were being
duly audited and submitted to the Income Tax
Authorities as required under the Income Tax
Act, 1961. He further said that assessment for
the A.Y 2010-11 was taken up for scrutiny under
Section 143(3) of the Income Tax Act and after
thorough scrutiny and investigation, Assistant
Director of Income Tax (Exemptions) Trust,
Circle II, New Delhi accepted the results
declared and determined the income at “nil”,
after endorsing the charitable status of GMS
under Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act.
Donations to GMS are eligible for exemption
under Section 80(G) of the Income Tax Act till
further notification.Giving a detailed analysis of the budget and
the financial position of the GMS, Bakshi Sahib
said that sound fiscal policy being followed by
the GMS has been that income should always
be more than the expendi ture. In this
connection, he cited a Sanskrit shloka from
Ramayana containing discussion between Lord
Rama and his younger brother Bharata i.e.
income should be more, expenditure less and
revenue should not go into the hands of
undeserving citizens. Following this sound
financial dictum – accounts reveal excess of
income over expenditure at Rs. 65,41,727 and
total assets as per balance sheet at Rs.
21,14,24,874 for the financial year 2010-11 and Rs. 93,76,478 and total assets of Rs.
22,61,03,227 for the financial year 2011-12.
Similarly the budget estimates for the current
year i.e. F.Y 2013-14, show a surplus of Rs.
74,34,611 (Receipts – Rs. 5,96,44,611 –
Expenditure – Rs. 5,22,10,000).After presenting
the accounts, Bakshi sahib called upon the
House for suggestions and clarifications.Some
brothers sought clarifications which were
responded to. Thereafter, he put the following
five resolutions to vote, which were passed with
over whelming majority:
Resolved that the general body of the General
Mohyal Sabha, in its meeting held on 26
2013, at Mohyal Foundation, New Delhi, do
hereby ratify the proceedings of the General
Body Meeting held on 15
May 2011, that were
published in the June 2011 issue of the Mohyal
After the resolution was proposed by Lt. Col.
B.K.L. Chhibber and seconded by Sh. Vipin
Mohan, the same was put up before the house, which approved it unanimously.
Resolved, that audited Balance Sheets and
Income & Expenditure statements for the
Financial Years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 are
hereby approved and adopted.
It was proposed by Sh. Rit Mohan and
seconded by Smt. Veena Chhibber. The house
approved it unanimously.
Resolved, that the general body of the General
Mohyal Sabha (Regd.), in its meeting held on
May 2013 at Mohyal Foundation, New
Delhi, appreciates and approves the report for
the period 2010 – 2012, submitted by the
Secretary General of the Sabha.
Resolution No. III was proposed by Sh. Ramesh
Datta and seconded by Sh. Pawan Bali and
the house approved it unanimously.
Resolved, that M/s. H.S. Ahuja & Co., H-61,
Gobind Mansion, Connaught Circus, New
Delhi-110001, are hereby appointed as auditors of the General Mohyal Sabha to hold office from
the conclusion of this General Body Meeting
until the conclusion of the next General Body
Meeting of the Society on such remunerations
and terms and conditions as may be fixed and
approved by the Managing Committee of the
The resolution was proposed by Col. S.K. Vaid,
seconded by Sh. Vinod Mehta and approved
by the house, unanimously.
Resolved, that the general body of the General
Mohyal Sabha, at its meeting held on 26
2013, at Mohyal Foundation, New Delhi,
approves and adopts the Budget proposals for
the financial year 2013-2014.
The resolution was proposed by Sh. Pushap
bali, seconded by Sh. Vijyant Bali and approved
by the house, unanimously.
Summing up, Bakshi sahib called upon the
August House to further augment the resources
of GMS. He specifically mentioned that the
GMS, itself is a Trust and there are individual
Trusts within this Trust. The corpus of these
Trusts is over Rupees Six Crores as on
30.04.2013. All the moneys in the Trusts are
being kept in fixed deposits with public sector
banks and only the interest accruing on the
principals was being used for the welfare
activities by the GMS. He submitted that
philanthropy has a basic virtue in Mohyali
Heritage. He exhorted that it is the beholden
duty of every Mohyal to follow the path shown
by our illustrious and visionary ancestors, for
their benign and blissful acts which have made
them with gratitude and perpetuate their sacred and sweet memory for posterity till eternity by
opening a Trust and/or adding to the already
existing Trusts. The GMS started with first Trust
of Rs. 1000 in 1891 – now crossed over to Rs.
Six Crores and the target is to reach the figure
of Rupees Ten Crores in the next few yearswith
the magnanimity and philanthropy of all
brethren. He ended his speech with the
The Secretary General then took up different suggestions received from different members and said that: “Today, we have the General Body Meeting of the GMS. General Body Meeting of any Sabha, Society or Organization always have a fixed agenda and so does the today’s meeting of the GMS, which specify discussion on the following items of agenda, only: (i) To approve the Annual Report and income and expenditure of the GMS. (ii) To approve the budget for the next financial year. (iii) To approve transfer of funds from one head to another. (iv) To discuss and decide matters as already notified in the agenda. (v) To confirm the proceedings to the last A.G.M. All the items of agenda have been taken due care of in today’s deliberations and for all practical purposes, the business session of the general body is over and finished. While sending the notice for the meeting, including the agenda, we had invited suggestions from the members, on the agenda items. In this connection, we have received suggestions only from Sh. Sunil Vaid and Sh. Vishwa Mitter Mohan, who have suggested that financial statements should be printed in Mohyal Mitter. We have noted the suggestion. It will be recalled that, in earlier days, we used to publish the monthly statements of accounts in Mohyal Mitter. The practice was discontinued on an objection from the postal authorities who stated that publishing of financial statements renders our magazine to be classified as a commercial magazine, thus, denying us the right to post it at a concessional rate of 50 paisa per copy. We have, today, placed copies of different financial statements as also copies of Secretary General’s report on the table of the house, for coll ecti on by anybody who desi res. The suggesti on made has been noted f or compliance with immediate effect. And it is proposed to put copies of all the financial statements on the website of the GMS. Out of over 2000 members of the GMS, suggestions unrelated to the agenda of the meeting have been received from 10 members only. The analysis on different suggestions and our remarks are as under: (1) Life Membership should be automatic without any scrutiny: There is no Sabha, Soci ety or Organi zation, where the Li fe membership is granted just on application, without any scrutiny. The final authori ty, according to Article 6(a) of the Constitution, to grant or not to grant Life membership to the appl icants, rest onl y wi th the Managi ng Committee. Naturally, Managing Committee cannot operate in vacuum. It has to act on the basis of advice/information collected from different sources. It is because of this reason that it had been made compulsory that the application for membership should be routed through the local sabhas, wherever existing, and at places where there are no local sabhas, to be recommended by two members of the GMS. As already stated in my report, over 500 permanent members of the GMS have been registered during the interregnum between the last General Body Meeting and the present meeting. In no case, the membership has been denied to anybody. Routing the application for membership from the local sabha has other advantages, like giving importance to the local sabha at the grass root level. (2) All local sabhas should be affiliated automatically with the GMS: The institution of local sabha started when the GMS was formed in 1891 itself. The process of affiliation is being followed since then and each local sabha has a geographical jurisdiction from where they function. If, within the same geographical jurisdiction, there were two or more sabhas, it will result in confusion and possible dispute. A big city like Delhi has 12 local sabhas with clearly defined geographical jurisdiction. Naturally, on the same basis, other cities can also have more than one local sabha, if found convenient.
(3) There should be online booking of rooms at Haridwar & Vrindavan: This i s being implemented. (4) Opening of technical institution in northern zone of the country: We already have a vocational institute in the name of MERIT, at Mohyal Foundation, the land for which was allotted on the condition that we will operate a vocational institute from there. To start a medical or engineering college is beyond the means and capacity of the GMS. (5) Constitutional Amendments & Ratification: Some of our members wanted to speak on constitutional amendments and ratification etc. it is only the Extraordinary General Body Meeting, which can pass any constitutional amendments. Suggestions, when received, will be duly considered by the Managing Committee & put up to the Extraordinary General Body Meeting. (6) Youth Empowerment & Community Unity etc.: One of the members desired to speak on this subject. Suggestions, if any, can be sent, in writing, for consideration at the proper time. (7) Affiliation of MES with the GMS & land of the MES: MES i s an autonomous body, completely independent of the GMS. There cannot be any question of affiliation of one parallel body to the other parallel body. So far as l and of the Mohyal Publ ic School is concerned, we are not aware of the present legal position. MES, if they so desire, can call their own General Body Meeting and take appropriate action. (8) Weaker Section to be given priority to be staying at Ashrams: Any proposal received, in this regard, wi ll be gi ven sympathetic considerations. (9) There should be a Publication Committee of Mohyal Mitter: We already have an Editorial Board in position. (10) Local Sabhas should be independent : All Local sabhas are already independent in their functioning. The affiliation is to grant rights & privileges to the Local sabhas, which the
General Mohyal Sabha can grant to its affiliated bodies. (11) Publication of National/Global Directory: We are for it. All the local sabhas can be requested to prepare directories of their respective areas of jurisdiction with in a time frame, which can then be consolidated at all India level. (12) Tenure of GMS Managing Committee should be reverted to 3 years: On the other hand, trend in the country is different. Recently, the parl iament of India has passed the Constitutional 97 Amendment Act, which was notified on 13/01/12, according to which the term of the Office Bearers of all the co-operative Societies in the country, including the cooperative societies in state of Delhi,has been made
5 years instead of 3 years as provided earlier by Delhi co-operative societies Act. Difference states in India are going to follow suit. (13) To plan a workshop for widows to generate self employment: This is a noble suggestion. We are for it. We can write to al the local sabhas to identity widows of younger age and physical health who can be given some vocational training at the GMS expenses, so that they become self earning. Even though necessary expl anations on different points raised by the members were given by the Secretary General, it was decided to invite each speaker and listen to their points of view. Following spoke on different issues and their views are given, in brief, against each of them: (i) Sh. R.P. Lao: The basic structure of the Constitution of the GMS can never be changed. A Committee of respectable elderly members should be formed to consider any proposed amendments. (ii) Sh. Joginder Kumar Vaid: (a) To get permanent membership is a birthright of every Mohyal. Membership should be granted without insisting on the recommendation of a local sabha and that the recommendation of the two
permanent members should be considered sufficient. (b) All local sabhas applicants should be granted affiliation irrespective of the fact whether there is already a sabha in that area. (iii) Sh. Sunil Vaid: (a) The membership should be automatic. (b) Affiliation should be granted to two or more sabhas in the same area. (c) Special facilities should be provided to weaker section, at our Ashrams. (d) Transport facility should be provided from Mohyal Ashram Haridwar to the Har-Ki-Pauri and back, and, for this purpose, Sh. Sunil Vaid is prepared to donate a Van. (e) Budget and accounts papers should be sent to the members by post, sufficient time in advance of the AGM. (f) A workshop should be conducted to provide gainful employment for widows and others, so that they become self-dependent. (iv) Sh. Sanjeev Rai Vaid: (a) Electronic media should be made full use of. (b) Association of younger generation with the community should be encouraged. (c) There should be intervention by the GMS in marital dispute cases. (v) Sh. Vinod Dutt: (a) With the increase in the membership and voters, the election procedure should be changed and right of voting granted selectively. A Committee may be formed for the purpose. (b) Local Sabhas should follow the example of Mohyal Sabha Khanna in providing assistance to Mohyals, living in their respective areas. (vi) Sh. Rit Mohan: (a) Criticism of GMS has come up only with its prosperity. Unnecessary criticism should be avoided. (b) Everybody should come in the main stream. (c) Instead of granting financial assistance to deserving Mohyals, efforts should be made to make them self-supporting. Through an i nterventi on, Dr. Ashok Lav informed that, on 7 of June, 2013, the family of late Smt. Kaushalya Bali, donor of property at Dehradun, are celebrati ng her birth centenary and that maximum number of Mohyals should attend that function. th (vii) Sh. Sandeep Bali (Guru Bhai): He spoke on youth empowerment and said that all sabhas should be asked to activate their respective youth wings. (viii) Sh. V.M. Mohan: (a) He has opened a private trust of Rs. 50 lacs, to help people. (b) There was no need of an Ashram at Goverdhan at Kurukshetra. (ix) Dr. Rattan K. Datta: (a) His aim is to form a Mohyal University of Excellence. (b) MERIT is providing courses of IGNOU & JMI and Mohyals should make use of it. (x) Sh. Sanjeev Bali (Bunty): (a) There should be more Mohyal milans and melas. (b) There should be separate provision of youth acti vi ti es i n the budget (Rzd. B.D. Bali intervened and asked Sh. Sanjeev bali to send a proposal). (xi) Sh. Pushap Bali: (a) Nobody will be allowed to harm the GMS. (b) People should first improve the atmosphere in their own houses before talking of GMS. (c) We will not be disheartened and continue to work for the welfare of the Community, through the GMS. (xii) Mehta O.P. Mohan: proposed a vote of thanks to all the participants. Sh. P.K. Datta, who could not attend because of illness of his son, had sent flower bouquets and garlands, which were presented to the dignitaries and Office Bearers. Dharam Vir Mohan Secretary General GMS. |