
By Rzd. B.D. BALI
( Dated 26.6.2013 )
My dear brothers, sisters and young lads, It is my utmost pleasure and privilege to welcome all of you to this august body, GMS AGM and I am quite sure that the deliberations will be held in a cordial manner and would be fruitful and beneficial for the community. 

Since the last AGM, much water has flown under the bridge and
G.M.S. has made big strides in every sphere, whether it is the sound
financial standing, building new Ashrams at Vrindavan, Goverdhan,
strengthening MERIT into viable and profitable project and serving the community, in aid to our
widow sisters, scholarships to needy students even for higher studies, and helping those in
need of medical care. It has been appreciated by all concerned, which is a matter of great
satisfaction for us. In this endeavor, our affiliated local sabhas have played their rightful role
and functioned as limbs to the parent body, which we all appreciate.

GMS, over years, has built up a credibility of which we all can feel proud. We have built various
Ashrams, Bhawans, buildings - like Mohyal Foundation – which is the nucleus of our activities,
and, in future, propose to promote healthcare and education, which is the call of the day.
Courtesy Mohyal Sabha Yamuna Nagar, we have a plot at Yamuna Nagar which will be suitably
utilized in service of the local community. Similarly, we have a Nursery School at Dehradun,
being successfully run, in addition to which we have launched a Play School at Haridwar Ashram,
which is sought to be transformed into a Model Nursery School of international standards, with
collaboration from a reputed entity from Cambridge with an eye on underprivileged children
and their upliftment. It should be a breakthrough in present GMS activities.

As I have always maintained, GMS, over the last few decades, has been put on sound financial
footings and is capable of entering into new pastures, of course, within its scope and resources
and would welcome any viable proposals in the service of the community.

My colleagues, Mr. B.L. Chhibber – Vice President and Mr. D.V. Mohan – Secretary General,
will be submitting details regarding financial outlay and provide full details regarding various
activities over last few years, and which, I am sure, will be appreciated and receive your approval.

Much has been achieved, but, as they say, sky is the limit and much more has to be achieved.
Achievement has been by forging unity and solidarity in the community and all of us pulling in
one direction of progress and prosperity, which I beseech all of you to maintain at all times.
In the end, I wish to thank you all for being present here and look forward to holding the
discussion in a cordial and brotherly environment, a heritage of which we can all feel proud of.
Jai Mohyal !

President, GMS
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