Mohyal Mitter ( JAN-2014) |
My dear brothers and sisters,
lt is my pleasure indeed to extend to you and your dear and near ones, on my own behalf, and, on behalf of my colleagues, our best wishes for the ensuing New Year - 2014 .
Every new year brings new hopes, aspirations and the goals to be achieved. Looking back, it is very heartening that the
last three decades have been quite remarkable so far as GMS achievements are concerned. During this period, we have rebuilt the old dilapidated building of Mohyal Bhawan, lnderpuri, two new blocks of Mohyal Foundation Building have come up in the most prestigious Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi, and constructed two Ashrams at Haridwar and Vrindavan, which are fully operational and serving the community exceptionally well. These Ashrams have also become hubs of interaction, where old ties are revived and new ties are established and this process helps to further strengthen and cement the brotherly relationship. The Mohyal Sewa Sadan at Haridwar has caught the imagination of our elders. We are also running two schools — one each at Dehradun and Haridwar, which, though in infancy, have a great potential to grow. In addition to this, we are running a most prestigious information technology institute- MERlT- at the Foundation Building, which, besides information technologycourses , is running a host of other job-oriented courses, which infuse employable skills and generate employment opportunities for the educated youth. I would urge the Mohyal youth to take advantage of these courses, which are provided to them at a concessional fee.
We strongly believe that the real wealth of a family and the oountry are their children and it is our foremost duty, and, incumbent upon all of us, to ensure that our children are provided the highest possible education, encouragement and guidance to stand up on their own feet and meet the
challenges of the highly competitive environment, which will become tougher in times to come. With this end in view, we have been holding Pratibhashali Vidyarthi Samman functions for the last 10 years, where we give awards and incentives to bright Mohyal students, who secure minimum 80% marks in the 10"‘ and 12"" CBSE Examinations Last such. function was held on 17.11.2013, where 106 Mohyal students were honored. Besides, financial assistance is being given to 70 students both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and it is our endeavour that no one from the community is deprived of higher education and better career prospects for want of finances.
In addition, we are taking care of 360 widowed sisters, who are getting financial assistance of Rs.750/- per month. Besides, 75 disabled persons are alsogetting this much amount every month as financial assistance.
Matrimonial alliance is another problem faced by the community and, as a relief measure, we have been successfully holding Matrimonial Melas and Shaadi Darbars, since 2006, which have become very popular amongst our community. lt is a matter of pride for all of us that today GMS enjoys enormous prestige, goodwill and credibility, which attract donations from all around,especially in the matter of formation of family trusts. It will be pertinent to mention that in 1978 there were trusts,worth Rs. 2,26,634/- only, and, now, with your unflinching support over the years, the worth of these trusts has risen to Rs.6,50;00,000/-, (Rupees six crores and fifty lacs)-a' whopping amount indeed for a charitable organisation-interest income whereof is spent for various welfare activities.
We also feel beholden to the community for their solid and generous support for various projects by donating rooms and becoming langar fund donors at the Ashrams at Haridwar and Vrindavan, which is very laudable.
There is no end or limit to philanthropy. My compliments to our brother, Mohyal Ratna Bk. S.K. Chhibber, who has recently established a trust for Rs.3.5 crores in the memory of his father, Bk. Sansar Chand Chhibber, the interest accrual from which will be utilised for education and healthcare of the underprivileged and deprived society. I have been given the privilege to be the Chairman of this trust, and, I am sure, every thing being equal, preference will be given to the Mohyal children.
You will agree that we have covered many many miles, but we have still a long way to go. We have to fix our priorities and set objectives, well in time, for the year 2014 and, for the years to come, so that same are achieved speedily. As a first step, we propose to dedicate our Mohyal Ashram at Goverdhan to the service of the community, sometime in February/March 2014, which will be another feather in the cap of GMS. We are also holding a Youth Camp at Vrindavan, some time in March, 2014. The theme of the camp is EMPOWERMENT OF YOUTH. GMS is a legacy which has been passed
on from generation to generation for the last so many years, and I strongly feel that we must gradually pass on this legacy to the younger generation at the appropriate time. Like all youth, Mohyal youth also have aspirations, dreams and ambitions, and this Camp will invite and involve our youth to constructively contribute in the affairs of the community. We have a few other proposals in mind, which will be discussed at proper forums and given proper shape, before being placed
before the community.
Before I conclude, I and my colleagues wish to thank the Local Sabhas and the entire community for extending their active support, cooperation and financial assistance which have enabled the GMS to achieve such enviable heights in every sphere and we are sure the community will continue to support its parent body to achieve still greater heights in future.
Once again wishing all of you a very happy and
prosperous New Year, and,
Jai Mohyal ! Yours brotherly,
Mohyal Ratan Raizada B.D.Bali |