


(List 16.07.13 to 15.08.13)

273. Bali (Anshik Manglik).
04.08.85, 5’-4”, M.Com. Contact:
Mob: 9813626488.
274. Ball. (Manglik). 08.02.90, 5’-
5”, fair, smart, beautiful, B.Com,
settled in Jaipur. Contact: Mob:
275. Bali. 20.12.86, 5’”, fair, B.Com, MBA (Dual), PGDCA, pursuing M.Com. Contact: Pooja Bali, Ph: 01681-226609.
276. Bali. 26.07.86, 5-3”, MBA
(Finance), working at Fandabad.
Suitable match from Delhi/Noida/
Gurgaon desired. Contact: Mob:
09257411823. 09876742315.
277. Bali. 09.10.82, 5’-5”, fair,
B.Com. Boy in service or busin ess desired. Contact: Mob:
278. Chhibber. 21 .03.89, 5-4”,
fair. B. Pharm. Contact: Mob:
279. Clihlbber. 10.12.84, 5-9”,
B.E (Computers), PGDBA (Fin ance), Senior Software Engin eer, 7 lacs p.a. Contact: Mob:
280. Chhibber. 20.08.87, 5-2”,
fair, smart, MBA (Finance), worki ng as Assistant Manager In
HDFC Bank. Contact: Ph: 011-
22799370, Mob: 9810585111.
281. Chhibber. 03.09.83, 5-7”,
MA, B. Ed, M. Ed, teaching in a
private school at West Delhi.
Suitable match from within Delhi/
NCR desired. Contact: Ph: 011-
282. Dutta. 11.11.85, 5’-3”, fair, MA, working as Business Anal yst in AON Hewitt, salary Rs. 28,000!- p.m. Service/Business match from Delhi/NCR desired.
Contact: Ph: 011-64579998, Mob: 9555764979.
283. Dutta. 15.09.83, 5’-6”, vege tarian, fair, beautiful, slim, MCA, working in Gurgaon, package 5.5

lacs p.a. Well-settled, handsome boy from the same profession
desired. Contact: Mob:
284. Datta. 15.01.87, 5’-5, beautiful, fair, B.Com (Hons.) from D.U, MBA (Finance & Mark eting) IBS, Hyderabad, working in Wipro at Bangalore. Suitable MBAICA/Engg match, below 30 years, desired. Contact: Ph:
0124-2380577, 09313935709.
285. Datta. 15.11.80, 5’-3, B.A (DU), Diploma in Basic Comp uter, Diploma in Commercial Art. Contact Mob: 9810774805.
286. Datta. 24.11.83, 5-2”, BA,
Beautician. Contact: Mob:
287. Dutta. 29.03.86, 5-2’, fair,
B.A, PGDCA, working in a
CBSE-affiliated school. Contact:
09315697834. 09465592534.
288. Datta. 05.04.86, 5’-2’, smart, active, fair, good-looking, homely, B.A. LLB, doing LLM & PGD Cyber Law. Well-settled doctor family. Suitable vegetari an match (advocate, doctor eng ineer or businessman), with Hindu moral values from a stat us family desired, Contact: Ph:
0181-221292/2237149, Mob:
289. Dutta. 18.09.88, 5-2, fair,
slim, M.Com. Contact: Mob:
290. Datta. 15.09.83, 5’-6”, fair, slim, beautiful, vegetarian, MCA, working as a Q.A, Engineer in MNC based in NCR, package 7.90 lacs p.a. Well-settled, worki ng boy from an educated, res pected (preferably vegetarian) family desired. Contact: Ph:
0172-2692040, 9888456529, Em ail:
291. Datta (Mangllk). 11.08.86, 5’3’h’ MBA (Marketing), B.Sc. (Gold Medalist), well-employed, package 7.50 lacs pa. Contact:
Mob: 09315627567.
292. Datta (Manglik). 16.08.89, 5’-2, fair, MBA. B.Ed, working in Haryana Govt. (on contract bas is). Contact: M.: 09996047357.
293. Dutta. 09.01.82, 5-3”, fair,
BA, BCA, working in private comp any in Accounts, salary 2.40
lacs p.a. Contact: Mob:
294. Dutta. 24.11.83, 5-2”. graduate, beautician. Contact:
Mob 9810774805.

295. Datta. 31.12.84, 5’-4”, fair, BA, BEd, NTT (Art & Craft), working as teacher in a reputed CBSE-affiliated public school, salary 25,000/- (apprx.) p.m. Educated well-settled boy from nearabout Ambata desired. Cont act: Ph: 01734-284792, Mob:
296. Datta. 07.04.79, 5’-3”, fair, B.Sc (Microbiology), PGDCA from CMC, MBA (Marketing), Manager in Dell Computers. package 9 $acs p.a. Smart, young, well-established boy des ired. Contact: Ph: 040- 271 56239, Mob: 09885506272.
297. Mohan (Manglik). 23.05.87, 5-1”, B.Com, MBA, working as teacher. Contact: Dr. N.M. Mohan, Mob: 09410617977.
298. Mohan (Manglik). 15.10.88,
5’-l”, fair, B.A, BEd, working as
teacher. Contact: Mob:
299. Mohan. 27 years, 5’-2”,
good-looking, B.Tech (IT), worki ng with MNC at Bangalore,
strong family values. Contact: M:
09231023039, 09650367211.
300. Vaid. 31 .01.84, 5’-4”. fair, slim, M.Ed, PhD, working in BEd College as Lecturer. Cont act: Shri Sunil Kumar Bakshl. Mob: 09413303390.
301. Vaid. 14.11.87. 5’-3”. fair, B.Tech, (C.S), MBA, PGDM (from SCDL), working with IT MNC in Noida. Suitable match, preferably from DelhiINCR, desired. Contact: M: 9560084488.


243. Bali (Mangl). 12.03.82,5’-
11”, fair, slim, Diploma in Mec hanical Engineering, working as Junior Engineer in ISGEC, sala ry 3.4 lakhs pa. Well-qualified girl desired. Contact: Ph: 01732- 291429, Mob: 09468276263.
244. Bali. 27.12.82, 5’-4’•, fair, BA., Diploma in Tourism (DTS), Air-ticketing Course from IITTM, Diploma in Computer Applicat ion, working in Uniglobe Indica Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd, NDSE, as Assistant Manager, salary Rs.
25,000/- p.m. Educated, homely, smart match desired. Contact:
Mob: 09871756765.
245. Bali. 06.06.81, 5’-ll”, wheatish, BA, PGDCA, Comp uter Hardware. ITI (Mechanic al). Contact: Mob: 9814230037.
246. Bali (Manglik). 29.10.82.
5.10”, whitish. Diploma in Mec hanical Engineering, doing B.Tech in Mechanical Engineeri ng, working as Sr. Engineer in MNC at Gurgaon, salary Rs. 36,000/- p.m. Contact: Mob:
09654646405. 09582385856.
247. Bhimwal. 22.03.84, 5’-9”, B.Tech., working in MNC, packa ge Rs. 10 lacs pa. Contact:
Mob: 9466484330.
248. Bhimwal. 25.01.85, 5-7”, B.Sc, working in a pharmaceutic al company, package Rs. 5 lacs p.a.. Contact Mob: 9896321800, Ph: 01732-224400.
249. Bhimwal. 06.02.81, 5-11”, Chartered Accountant (CA), working as partner in Delhi. Earni ng lilacs p.a. Qualified worki ng girl desired. Contact: Mob:
9312970706, 9357675306.
250. Bhimwal. 19.12.82, 5-11”, B.Com, MBA, Govt. Contractor, income Rs. 50,000/- to 60,000/- p.m. Suitable qualified match from middle class family desired.
Contact: Mob: 09506753830, 09871626552.
251. Bhimwal. 17.05.88, 5-11”, fair, M.A, Central Govt. service

at Jabalpur. Educated, beautiful match desired. Contact: Mob:
07607800777, 09235878328.
252. Chhibber. 28 years, 5-7”, fair, slim, B.E (Electronics & Communication), ,working with leading in MNC in Malaysia (Scope International), recently promoted as Project Lead
, packa ge 18 Lacs p.a., Gurgaonb ased family. Contact: Mob:
253. Chhibber. 23.05.82. 5’-5”, fair, 12w’ pass, own business, inc ome 30,000!- p.m. Contact:
Mob: 9811950614, 9582595056.
254. Chhibber. 01.06.90, 5’-ll”, B.A, smart, fair, own business (Wine Contractor in Haryana). income Rs. 50,000!- p.m. Beaut iful, homely girl desired. Con act: Mob: 9416194565,
255. Chhibber (Manglik).
19.12.79, 5’-7”, wheatish, matric, own transport business, income
Rs. 30,000 p.m. Homely and smart girl desired. Contact: Shri Madhukar Bakshi, Mob:
256. Chhibber. 30.08.79, B.Com,
working as Accountant. Contact:
M. 09871009534, 09555462787,
257. Chhibber. 21 .01 .85, 5-4”, fair, B.Tech (Electrical & Elect ronics), salary 34,000/- p.m. Qualified match desired. Cont act: Mob: 08171502308, 09810205637.
258. Outta (Manglik). 22.08.79, 5’-ll’, fair, 10+2, working in DTC, earning 2.50 lacs pa., own house in Delhi. Suitable girl from middle class family desired. Cont act: Mob: 9871578508.
259. Dutta. 11.02.83, 5’-5”, BCA,
MCA, business in Australia. Con act: Mob: 9811268544,
260. Datta. 25.08.80, graduate, business in sports, well-settled, fair, vegetarian, non- smoker. Homely girl, following Mohyali traditions, desired. Contact: Ph:
0181-2237149, 9779271515.
26L Datta. 30.04.83, 5’-9”,
handsome, MBA (Finance),
working as Sr. Executive in MNC
at Noida. Contact: Ph: 0120-
4217428, Mob: 9958639777.

262. Dutta (Manglik). June 1983, 5-IC”, MBA (SMU), working as Manager in a private sector bank in Delhi, salary about 5 lacs. Prof essionally qualified match from NCR desired. Contact: Ph: 0172- 2730653, Mob: 09646517783.
263. Dutt. 11.10.86, 5-9”, B.Sc.
in Hospitality Management from
Pusa, Assistant Manager in East
& West Restaurant in UK. Cont act: Ph: 011-22146847, Mob:
264. Mohan. 05.02.86, 5-8”, fair, handsome, smart, B.E (Mec hanical), working in Electronic Corporation of India Ltd (ECIL). salary 45,000/-p.m. Fair& beaut iful girl, with B.E or equivalent qualification desired. Contact:
Shri A.K. Mehta, Amarkantak Thermal Power Station. MPPGCL, Chachai, Anuppur (M.P.).
265. Lau. 26.05.81, 178 cms.. smart, handsome, Masters in Professional Accounting, curr ently working in Sydney, salary 5000/- Australian Dollars. Match from Sydney, in the same prof ession desired. Contact: Mob:
9818843520, 9871278001.
Lau. 03.07.82, 178 cms., smart, handsome, B.Sc (in Hot el, Tourism, Catering), working in Gurgaon, salary 25,000/- p.m. Serving girl preferred. Contact:
Mob: 9818843520, 9871278001.
Lau. 30.03.85, 5-9”, BCA. working in MNC, salary 30,000/- p.m. Contact Mob: 9811977369 (Delhi).
268. Vaid. 24.12.85, 5-11”, fair, MCA, Senior Software Engineer at Chandigarh, salary 49,750/p .m. Fair, educated, employed girl desired. Contact: Mob:
7206239337 (Karnal).
269. Vaid. 04.09.86, 5-7”, B.Sc
(IT), MR. in Alkom, salary
25,000/- p.m. Contact: Mob:
270. Vald. February 1984, 5-7”, graduate, working in EXL, Noida. Working girl desired. Contact:
Mob: 9968721161, 9968721191.
271. Sharma (Mother-flee-Bali).
18.11.78, 5’-8”, M.Sc (IT), BEd.
Central Govt. Job. Contact: 011-

272. Sharma (Mother-nee-Vaid).
13.01.83, 5’-7”, wheatish, B.Com (DU), Real Estate & Finance Business, income Rs. 45,000/- p.m. Educated homely/employed girl desired. Contact: Ph: 0124- 4078483, Mob: 9717314373.

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